Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas Party!

Always with the exclamation points!

So, I think we have called everyone, but just in case you need details,

we are meeting at the church at around 3:00 to have a christmas party, the main event being decorating the tree and putting under the tree the gifts that you are all bringing for children who don't get gifts because they come from poor families.

Jesus teaches us over and over again that we must take care of the poor, so this is just the tiniest step towards learning how to give our lives back to God and give a little bit of our time and money to those that Jesus spent his time with when he was here.

we will also be baking cookies and playing a few games, and then eating dinner together at church before vespers. So, tell your parents to pick you up after vespers at about 8:30, or tell them to come vespers.

peace out folks.


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